In this tutorial you will learn how to amaze your friends by making the two "O"s from the Google logo to disappear.
1. Find a computer connected to the Internet and open this page . Don't tell them that you will perform a "magic trick".
2.With your free hand point to the Google logo and say "Watch This" and in the same time click with the mouse in quietly anywhere on the web page. You will have about FIVE seconds to cover the two "O"s with your fingers before the "O"s slowly disappear.
3. To make the "O"s reappear, tell the spectator to touch the screen using their fingers. Click secretly on the webpage with your mouse and in FIVE seconds the two "O"s will reappear by magic.
4. The next time you click on the fake web page you are quitely forwarded to the real Google search page so the spectator will never known what happened.
Note: Most of the times people focus on Google Logo itself and pay no attention to the actual address in the Address bar.