This post is added by user request. Many people mailed me to ask how I did create this desktop.
Hey see my Current Desktop on Windows 7:
Do you like i and want one like this one too.
For this trick you need a freeware utility named Fences By StartDock.
To Download it click this link: (it will take you straight to the product website).
Install this utility.
This will ask you how do you wanna group your ICONS.
Select the design which best suits you.
Or you can make your OWN like I did.
Get a awesome wallpaper. I used the original one as it looked amazing. And the clock on center gave it a more good look.
if you want this wallpaper you can request it and I'll email you. (I cannot post the wallpaper here as the Windows Wallpapers are subjec to copyright..)
Best of luck.