Convert your . torrent file to exe and download the file without any BitTorrent Client. Just go to .
Program keeps running after having downloaded the data. It seeds the downloaded data for a couple of hours. Users can shut the program down at this stage. However, seeding is the default setting and the warning message will be displayed at the attempt to shut the application down.How does it work?
Now it is really simple to download data via BitTorrent protocol with Enter the torrent file URL or upload the torrent file to the server.
2. The download of the small program starts automatically.
3. This program will automatically do the rest of the job. After you launch the program, your data starts to be downloaded.
4. Don’t shut the program down after the download is complete. Leave it running for a couple of hours to seed downloaded data. Thus the data will be transmitted to other users. Your access to downloading other files can be denied if you don’t allow other users to download data from your PC.